domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

English language challenge

English is a very important language in nowadays. English is the science’s language so it is necessary to learn it to favor the communication and understanding of the evidence and literature.

This year I had the goal of learn English and I started with particular classes twice a week and I had a great progress, in the second half of 2017 I started with the class in the University and it was a good experience to have classmates from other programs and other background.

Writing a blog was a really good exercise, because everyone of us must to write our investigation in English to publish it, writing also allow us to organize our ideas and improve our redaction, I would had liked to more feedback and corrections of our writing.

My worst skill in English is listening so I need to improve it more, for this I try to watch movies in English without subtitles or with English subtitles and I watch videos with different accents and that way to recognize them.

outside classes I almost not practice my English, I read everyday papers or investigation or I use a cellphone app (Duolingo), but is difficult to practice speaking and listening for this reason I took English class.

Improving our English, ever will be a good idea. Now, if you don’t know English you are out of the world.

Resultado de imagen para duolingo

Changes in Post Graduate program

Innovation in education is an important process, educators must be actualized with new trends in education and with the social changes. Nowadays technology is a part of our lives and must be incorporated to education.

I am trying, as a future educator, to know innovative ways to teach and one of my favorite is Kahoot. A page where you can make question and the students can answer from their own cellphone (who has no a smartphone today?).

I would had liked that in my post-graduate program they would had used more technology and new ways to teach. With respect to the curriculum I would add more practical subjects and not only theory, but for that we need more economical resources and a better infrastructure to support all students and in Chile could be difficult.

The length of the program is good, but I would suggest that the thesis could be started from the first year and the theory subjects have less workload, because thesis is the most important activity in a PhD so should be addressed from the beginning.

In conclusion, we are studying in a great university and in our programs, there are excellent professors working the best than they can with limited resources, everything could be better, but sometimes an improvement needs a lot of work in group.

Resultado de imagen para kahoot que es


Summer is the best moment to escape from Santiago and go the beach, because the capital of Chile in January is a real oven.

This year (this next year 2018) I am going to Easter Island or how natives say: Rapa Nui. A small and mysterious Island in Pacific Ocean, 3700 km from Chile with an ancient culture and enigmatic giant statues that nobody knows how were built, the Moais.

There, I would like to visit Anakena beach, the most famous beach in this island, to rest under the sun and eat a pineapple in a stick. I want to go to the sumit of the Rano Kau volcano with its big crater and I want to see the island from the height of Rano Raraku hill.

These holidays I will spend with my Girlfriend’s family and I think will be a great experience, because I get along very well with them overall with her “little” brother. We will stay in a familiar cabin and will travel as a group.

The main activity that I will do in Easter Island is Dive, Rapa Nui has one the clearer water in the world and is a diver paradise, people from everywhere go there to dive and know the submerged Moai. I am going to get a new diver certification and I am very excited for that.

After my vacations, I will return to work directly and hardly in my thesis, so I need recover a lot of energy from the magical island.

Resultado de imagen para moai sumergido
Sumerged Moai in Easter Island

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017


In our society obesity is a big problem, and at a world level it is one of the most prevalent conditions that affect people. Overweight is the main risk factor to many illness principally cardiovascular diseases.

A sport culture is a key point to fight against the obesity and overweight. To motivate to do sport, to have good infrastructure, to include more sport in the school are good strategies to have a healthy population.

In my case, I have a complicated relationship with sports, I have ever liked to do sports, but none of them I was passionate about, when I was a child and a teenager I did many sports as football, basketball and handball, but I did not like them. Then, I noticed that I did not like team sports, so I started to do swimming and I loved it, here I found a sport that I enjoyed and wanted to be best. After that I wanted to go deeper in the water and know what there is under the surface, so I started to dive.
Diving is the most wonderful experience that I have lived, to feel the weight of the water, to see the fishes in their natural environment and to feel as one of them, to see starfish bigger than my head could only be possible at 20 meter down. Diving you can explore another part of the world, the bigger part of our planet is under the water, so if you do not dive, you will not be able to know the whole world.

Resultado de imagen para buceoTo dive you only need a great concentration, do not be afraid about the closed spaces and to keep calm in every moment, because an accelerated reaction could be fatal. The most important skill is to want to discover new things with a new perspective.

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Postgradute Studies

When I finished my undergraduate education as a pharmacist, I felt that I was not prepared enough, so I started my master in Pharmaceutical Science, developmenting clinical pharmacology, I wanted to understand how the medication can affect to real patients in the real world and how I could try to improve the pharmacological therapy.

When I finished my master's thesis I wanted to know more and continue learning about how defferent patients respond in different ways with the same medication, so I applyed for a PhD and started to develop Pharmacogenetics. Thit is how the genetics can affect the response to a treatment and searching of understanding why some patient have success with the therapy and why other develop adverse effects.

Nowdays, we have a lot of basic knowledge about the relationship between gen expression and the response to drugs, but we can not predict accurately this response, so we can not use in the clinical practice.

Now, if I can I would like to study "Machine Learning", this area is related to the computational science and artificial intelligence, that allow an automatic learning of the computers. I want to learn this subjects because is the best way to predict the behaviour in complex systems as the human body, I want to take this knowledge and apply it in my own field. In this way I could predict what patient is going to be wellwith the medication and who of them is going to have and adverse event.

USA is the best country to learn Machine Learning, so I would like to go there to learn this subject in vivo, because I need to learn programming and the best way is with a partner or a team.

With this technology we can mix all the factors in one model, not only genetics: behaviour, social, therapeutics, pathological and physiological factors could be used to predict the answer.  The most important advantage of Machine Learning is that when you add the information of a new patient the predictive model could improve its performance and be better and better.

What do you think about develop the diagnosis and prognosis of our patients using mathematical models in our country?

Resultado de imagen para machine learning